Hounslow Council are running again a survey that they did in 2023 about responsible dog ownership and control in their parks. This is in order to get an up-to-date picture of residents' views ( in case they have changed in eighteen months !) The survey again includes the proposal from Hounslow that Commercial Dogwalkers should be banned from using Stamford Brook Common. Many people who live round the Common favour this proposal. Anyone who wants to express their view, whether again or for the first time, needs to do so by the end of Sunday 9 February, by going to https://talk.hounslow.gov.uk
Also, on Thursday 6 February , there is an open 'Dog Surgery' meeting at the Council offices at Hounslow House at 10am until 1pm. This is a chance to meet the Animal Warden Team and to ask questions about the Responsible Dog Ownership Public Spaces Protection Order.